The best part of running virtualy, is that you can run where you are, when you want to and where you can run or walk safley. Even if you are anywhere else in the world!
Invite friends and family that you can run or walk with safely. Start a team!
Use the ItsYourRace App to record your performance. Take pictures! Or you can manually submit your time on the results page.
5K Run for the Ridley*
Run Live or Run Virtually
Download the Free IYR Mobile App also great for training!
To benefit New York Marine Rescue Center

* Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle (Lepidochelys kempii), also known as the Atlantic Ridley sea turtle, is the rarest species of sea turtle and is critically endangered. It is just one of many species that the New York Marine Center endeavors to rescue, rehabilitate and release every year as cold-stunned turtles arrive helpless on our beaches in the fall and winter and often die without discovery and response.
5K Run for the Ridley
Register Today!!
Call (631) 369-9840 ext 104 for more information. Register Online
Open to runners of all ages.
Run or walk anywhere. Be safe. You can record your participation on our free virtual app:
Online REGISTRATION Avoid the Registration Line:
Now till May 6th at Midnight $35.00 Online registration closes at minight.
Day of race registration $40.00 CASH ONLY
Pick up Bib and tee shirt 6am-7:30 at Back Entrance to the Aquarium.
Virtual Now till May 8th Online only. $25.00 Registration stays open after the race.
Live Day of Race Registration, cash only. Back Entrance to the Aquarium.
Top 3 male and female overall. Plus, top 3 male and female in the following age categories:
9 & under 40 – 49
10 – 14 50 – 59
15 – 19 60 – 69
20 – 29 70 and over
30 – 39
Commemorative event T-shirt provided to the first 150 registered runners.
New York Marine Rescue Center
467 E. Main Street
Riverhead, NY 11901
You may register online by visiting our Runner’s Application Page, filling out the online form, and checking the boxes to indicate your electronic signature and agreement with the Athlete’s Release conditions.
— Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities —
Corporate sponsors for this event are needed, welcomed and deeply appreciated. This annual 5K run attracts runners and spectators from throughout Long Island and the metropolitan area and it is an excellent opportunity for corporate visibility in support of the mission of the New York Marine Rescue Center. All logos will appear on our sponsor board on our web, social media and on display in the aquarium. Over 400,000 people visit the Aquarium each year.
Contact Danielle Perillo at 631-369-9840 ext 104 for Sponsor Opportunities
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